May – June 2024

Kit Pro Health

Includes 3 online teaching sessions of 2 hours each / Zoom


Let’s discover the world of health!


A meeting focused on alternative medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, in France and Spain, thanks to the intervention of health professionals. An exchange of questions and answers with the participants will allow you to immerse yourself for an evening in the realities of this professional world!

Francisco Fernández – Médecin généraliste
Cary Nicolas – Professeur de Taïchi
Eva Hernández – Naturopathe


The workshop on French for health will be structured around three main axes:

Session 1

21/05/24 19:00 - 21:00
Introduction to health systems and professional vocabulary

Session 2

28/05/24 19:00 - 21:00
The different specialties, medical and paramedical

Session 3

04/06/24 19:00 - 21:00
NGOs, alternative medicine and telemedicine


We will publish several articles throughout the project on the themes of the different Pro Kits. Each article will be accompanied by a dedicated vocabulary sheet.

Don’t miss any article and subscribe now to our newsletter.

Recommended Reading

Health Ahead

Find out everything you need to know to maintain your health, vitality and longevity. Dr. Saldmann presents here a dazzling synthesis of advances in scientific research that connect with the great principles at the heart of all spiritual traditions. You will discover why your mind and spirit play a vital role in your well-being and how to foster optimism and joy. You will learn about the mysterious formulas that make you lose weight, the cuisine that heals as well as natural sleeping pills. Sexuality, hygiene, physical exercise complete this invigorating program

Lireka, c’est la contraction de « Lire » et « Eurêka », et c’est la nouvelle librairie en ligne qui fait rayonner la langue française en donnant aux lecteurs du monde entier accès à un catalogue complet d’1 million de livres avec livraison gratuite !


Pascale Couturier