Workshop – Kit PRO Car Industry


Business French
3 online teaching sessions of 2 hours each

Code: F2024AF – €10 discount AF Students
Discount valid for students enrolled during the 2023-2024 academic year in any of the participating French Alliances: Carthagène, Djerba, Gênes, Malta, Marseille, Malaga, Turin y Paris.

The automotive French workshop will focus on three main areas: the first session will enable you to present your company; the second will turn you into a sales apprentice by teaching you how to sell your product. Finally, the third session will look to the future and address the challenges of tomorrow’s car.

Session 1
10/04/24 18:30 – 20:30
Getting off to a flying start: talking about your company

Session 2
17/04/24 18:30 – 20:30
In the car Simone: selling your product

Session 3
24/04/24 18:30 – 20:30
Turning the corner: imagining tomorrow’s car

This workshop is part of the Business French Kit
Kit PRO Car Industry: Webinar + Workshop + Article
Workshop – Kit PRO Car Industry